Building a brighter future

Habitat for Humanity partners with people in your community, and all over the world, to help them build or improve a place they can call home. Thank you for joining us in this critical work!

Your support goes beyond bricks and mortar; it builds brighter futures, unlocks stability, and fosters a sense of belonging.

Discover ways that you can get involved:

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By any standard, 2023 has been an amazing fiscal year for the Habitat network in Oregon. Key successes have positioned Habitat for Humanity of Oregon and the 24 local affiliates we serve to further expand our collective impact. Using a hub and spoke service model, we have mobilized an unprecedented level of federal and state funding to support efforts on the ground to create and preserve affordable homeownership.

Despite challenges that include inflation, skyrocketing land prices and high interest rates, Oregon Habitat for Humanity affiliates have a record number of homes under construction. We repaired 377 homes last year, doubling our home repair rate in just two years.

Learn more about Habitat’s work in Oregon by signing up for our newsletter, and exploring our fiscal year 2023 Annual Report.

Make a donation

We are stronger together—and tremendously grateful for you. Whether you shop at the ReStore, serve on a Habitat Board of Directors, participate in a committee, volunteer at the build site, support this work financially or lift your voice to advocate with us—we appreciate you!

As you consider your year-end giving, we ask to you lean in with our statewide Habitat for Humanity network as we draw on our collective resiliency, commitment, responsiveness and innovation to serve even more first-time homebuyers and households in need of critical home repairs in the year ahead. Donate today »


By advocating for affordable housing and promoting our mission, you become an essential part of the solution. Share our social media posts, tell your friends and family about the work we’re doing, and encourage others to get involved. Together, we can create a ripple effect of change that extends far beyond our community.